Nico Neem
(Neem Based Pesticide)

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Product Description

Botanical Pesticide (300ppm, 1500ppm. 3000ppm, 10000ppm)
Chemical Composition:
NICO NEEM is an oil-based, emulsifiable concentrate formulation  consisting of neem
oil obtained from Azadirachtaindica seeds, and Karanj oil obtained from Pongamiaglabra
seeds and surfactant/ emulsifier. The insecticidal action is due to the presence of several
neemlimonoids of which Azadirachtin is the most important. Azadirachtin concentration
is maintained at a level of ~300, 1500, 3000, and 10,000 ppm in the formulation.
Mode of Action:
A very wide spectrum of phytophagous insect-pests is affected by this Neem formulation.
It controls the pest population through a triple action activity – acting as a feeding deterrent,
oviposition inhibitor and insect growth regulator. The neem based bio-chemicals act as
contact and in a systemic manner. Bio-chemicals from Karanj oil, pongamol and karanjin,
generally act synergistically.
Salient Features:
  • NICO NEEM is non-toxic to beneficial and non-target organisms.
  • It is generally compatible with chemical pesticides (unless highly acidic or highly
    alkaline) so as to provide complementary activity in integrated pest management
    (IPM) programmes.
  • It leaves no residue in the soil, crop or the environment and is highly bio degradable.
  • An excellent alternative to hazardous chemical fungicides.
  • It is extracted using the Cold Press Extraction process and therefore, retains
    nutrients and active ingredients.
  • Effective pesticide, nematicide, insecticide, as well as miticide. Excellent for crops
    as well as for veterinary use.
  • It is truly an environment friendly product.
Through the use of Nico Neem you can prevent the development of resistance in pests.
Neem is effective against more than 200 species of insect-pests, some of whom are
resistant to chemical pesticides or are otherwise difficult to control.
It acts as a feeding deterrent, oviposition inhibitor and insect growth regulator and therefore,
though it may not kill instantaeneously, the eventual results are very effective.
NICO NEEM is effective against sucking insects such as Aphids, Leaf Hoppers, Mealy Bugs,
Mites, the White Fly and Thrips as well as chewing insects such as Stem Borer, Fruit Borer,
Capsule Borer, Caterpillars, etc.
NICO NEEM increases the population of Beneficial  insects (Bio Agents):
Experiments were conducted at the Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand – India.
One such experiment was conducted at the Bio-Control Project of Gujarat Agricultural
University, Anand, India during 1994 to study the effect of Nico Neem in conserving beneficial
insects (Bio-agents).
The results are as follows:
Population per 25 plants


There are rich communities of beneficial insects, spiders and diseases that attack insect-
pests. The beneficial species often control insect-pests, especially in places where the use
of broad spectrum pesticides is to be avoided. Without these beneficial species, the
insect-pests would multiply so quickly that they would completely ravage the crop.
Pests have high reproductive capacities to offset the naturally high mortality rate they face
in nature. For example, a brown plant hopper female produces many offspring, but because
of the action of predators, parasites and diseases, only about 1 or 2 survive after one
generation. It is not unusual for the mortality rate to reach 98-99%.
Natural enemies also have their own enemies. Parasites and predators, each has predators,
parasites and pathogens. Most predators are cannibalistic – a behaviour which ensures that
in the absence of prey, some will survive.
The natural balance between insect-pests and their natural enemies is often disrupted by
indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides. Although insecticides are needed in some cases,
they must be used judiciously in order to save these vulnerable natural control agents.
NICO NEEM gives best results when used as a preventive. Monitor the field continuously for
pest attack. When the pest population is low or the damage system just begins to appear,
apply a spray of NICO NEEM. The spray is generally effective for fifteen days.
Application Guidelines:
The emulsifiable concentrate can easily be diluted with water to make a colloidal suspension
which should be sprayed on the crop.
Being oil based, it is recommended that NICO NEEM be diluted with water in a separate
container before filling into a spray pump.
In order to avoid clogging of spray pumps, do not leave any left over mixture in it. Mix a fresh
batch for each application.
In case of rain after spraying of NICO NEEM, re-apply the dose.
As NICO NEEM is photodegradable, it is advisable to spray the mixture during evening hours.
For 100% organic NICO NEEM the natural emulsifier is sold separately and can be mixed with
water along with NICO NEEM.
300 ppm               –  5ml to 7ml / litre of water
1500 ppm            –  4ml to 5ml / litre of water
3000 ppm            –  3ml to 4ml / litre of water
10000 ppm          –  2ml to 3ml / litre of water
 Depending upon canopy development, 400-600 litres of this colloidal suspension can be
 sprayed on the crop of one hectare area.
Application guidelines: (using organic emulsifier)
70g/litre of NICO NEEM
First mix the emulsifier with NICO NEEM, and then dilute it with water according to the
dosage given above.
1000 litre tank, 200 litre barrel, 5 litre carboy,1 litre plastic bottle, 500 ml. plastic bottle.
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Shelf Life:
2 years
NICO NEEM for vector control:
Vector borne infections (VBI) are common around the globe and they account for many
devastating diseases like malaria, filariasis, dengue &chikungunya.
Studies have shown NICO NEEM to be highly effective in vector control.
A spray of NICO NEEM in mosquito infested areas can greatly reduce their population.
NICO NEEM treated bed nets (ITN):
An insecticide treated net is a mosquito net that
repels, disables or kills mosquitoes coming into contact with it.
There are two types of treated nets:
  1. Conventional Insecticide treated net (ITN)
  2. Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN)
How is ITN different from LLIN?
LLIN is a factory treated net made with netting material that has insecticide incorporated
within or bound around the fibers. Whereas a conventional ITN is a mosquito net that the
user himself can treat by dipping in a WHO recommended insecticide.
To make a natural insecticide treated bed net, make a mixture of NICO NEEM and water
@ 50ml/litre of water and dip the bed net into this mixture. To ensure its continued
insecticidal effect the net should be re-treated after 3 washes or at least twice a year.
NICO NEEM for locust control:
NICO NEEM prevents locusts from developing into their migratory swarms which are
destructive to vegetation.  Although alive, they become solitary, lethargic, almost motionless
and thus extremely susceptible to predators such as birds.
Grasshopper nymphs are affected by NICO NEEM in a similar way.
A list of a few crops and pests on which Nico Neem is effective



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Shri Patel Hirenkumar Prahladbhai, Village: Jakhora, Mo.: +91 9687343892
I have used Orgo, Jaivik, Bio-All, Nico Neem in Every crop specially Vegetables
and Castor. In every crop I have applied NICO ORGO company’s products I have
got satisfactory results. Jaivik was more suitable to me rather than Orgo so I am
using Jaivik.
Nico Neem: With every chemical I am mixing Nico Neem in each spray. I got
effective control against mites and caterpillar at the low cost of chemicals.
I suggest every farmer’s to apply these products in their crop.
Control Pests in Vegetables and Castor by using Nico Neem