The debate about whether organic food has more nutrients might be finally settled,
at least in the case of tomatoes. The latest research from the University of Barcelona
shows that organic tomatoes have higher levels of antioxidants than chemically-
grown ones. The research team studied and analysed the chemical structure of the
Daniela variety of tomato.
According to The Daily Mail: “They detected 34 different beneficial compounds in
both the organic and conventional versions… However they found that overall the
organic tomatoes contained higher level of the polyphenols. The scientists says
this difference between organic and conventional tomatoes can be explained by the
manure used to grown them.”
This makes sense because plants produce polyphenols to fight off diseases, and
when we ingest them, we get the same disease prevention benefits. In a chemically-
intensive agricultural system however, the plants’ natural ability to defend itself is
diminished as that work is taken on by pesticides and fungicides. Polyphenols are
a class of natural antioxidants and they halt the development of certain cancers as
well as some chronic conditions due to their anti-inflammatory properties. There
is a class of polyphenols called flavonols which impart flavour and taste to fruits
or vegetables. That’s the reason why organically grown food is said to taste better,
although this is debatable.

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